Did you know we have been buying and selling Vinyl Records, CDs, DVDs & I Pop Culture Products and Collectables for over 32 years now?
SELL & TRADE: Want to sell your specialised collection? Or do you have a question about rare items you have? Speak to the man in the know! Email any details about your items directly to rockawayrecordsaus@gmail.com Please note: We offer prices on what we are prepared to offer on a collection but we DO NOT value collections. If you are trying to ascertain what the retail value of your collection may be on the open market you would need to carry out your own private research.
JOB OPPORTUNITIES: Although we are not currently hiring you are welcome to send us your resume for future opportunities.
ORDER or PRODUCT ENQUIRIES/IDEAS/SUGGESTIONS: Please complete the form below if you have questions about products we have or questions about an order. We're happy to answer questions or help you with returns. Do you have any ideas or suggestions? We are more than happy to hear them. We are not considered one of Brisbane's best record stores for nothing. :)
Got a question for Rockaway?
1151 Creek Rd
Carindale, QLD 4152